Contact us

Wanting to address the growing demands of the E-Commerce industry, with a goal of constant customer satisfaction through a wide range of in-house products is exactly why decotree. was founded. Our vision is to offer the best to our customers in regards to quality and price. The products offered range from the smallest of crafted accessories to electrical gadgets and clothing – sold only with the finest of quality, build and use. We ship them Worldwide in ten business days! (you read that right)

decotree’s clients have always been happy with their purchase and have kept coming back for more. With that note, we have extended a wholesale section for clients who are looking to order in bulk. We’re retailer friendly! Our commitment to the E-commerce industry has made us one of the topmost sellers in North America with a long history of happy clients and high-end products. We pledge to live by these goals.

Reach Us:


Phone / SMS: ‪‪ ‪(954) 906-7980

